Blog of Andrés Aravena
Course Homepage:

Systems Biology

From genotype to phenotype.

26 September 2023

Systems Biology is a systemic approach to understand the biological phenomena that occurs inside a cell at the molecular level. This course is an introduction to the theoretical tools that are used to understand the emerging behavior of complex biological networks.

This page will be updated during the semester. Please check it regularly. It was last updated on May 28 at 11:56.


By regulation from the Rectory, students need to attend at least 70% of the classes. If you cannot attend, you must deliver all homework on time. Late submissions will not be accepted.

The attendance book is updated every week and can be seen in Google Sheets.

Slides used in classes


Online material



The forum of the course is at You can also participate writing an email to . Feel free to use it to ask any question or give any answer>.

Topics to be discussed