April 19th, 2016
Entity-Relationship Diagram of GEO
that transform a single CDS into the corresponding proteinscore.pos()
to evaluate the score of a fixed position. The inputs are
: position in the genomegenome
: vector of charsmat
: a position specific score matrixscore.pos()
on each position of a genome. The final output is a vector of numbers, each one representing the score of each position.DNA replication is not perfect. Some bases can change
If these changes are lethal, the cell dies (by definition)
Therefore we only see changes that are compatible with cell life
This is one component of natural selection
Naturally, if two genes have the same sequence, they encode the same protein
If they differ in a few bases, the proteins will also differ a little, or less (why?)
So if two proteins are very similar, they probably do the same function
A few changes will probably not change they way it folds
Same shape, same function.
Comparing sequences