Class 19: Time Management

Methodology of Scientific Research

Andrés Aravena, PhD

May 7, 2024

Managing time is managing yourself

One day you may be the head of a lab (or department, or company, or organization)

You will need to decide

  • What to do
  • How to do it
  • When to do it

But if you are not the boss, you still need to make the same decisions


Time blocking

Everything we do must be done at some time

We need to assign time to every project

We can move time blocks, but we cannot delete
(unless we give up on the project)

We will use

create events

  • Events
  • Focus time
  • Out of office
  • Working location
  • Task
  • Appointment slots

share calendar


scheduling meetings

commitment device

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

email association

Room calendars

see other people’s calendars

time insights


“To Do” list

Group by Context

  • Place
  • Time

Alternative: Kanban

  • Japanese idea
  • Good for teams, but also personal
  • Write tasks in PostIt cards
  • Put the cards in three or more columns
  • Limit the size of work in progress


Digital version