Class 9: Finding the replication origin

Computing for Molecular Biology 2

Andrés Aravena, PhD

2 April 2021

Finding the
Replication Origin

in Bacteria

Finding the replication origin

In Bacteria there is only one replication origin

  • The GC skew is positive in one part of chromosome
  • And negative on the other, on average
  • It changes sign in two places

The reason for this asymmetry is the DNA replication process

The origin of replication is in one of the sign changing places

How can we find the change of sign

We want to write a program so we can find the replication origin on many different genomes

We can answer questions like:

  • Are both replichores of the same size?
  • If they are different, what is the biological reason?
  • Is there some insertion?
  • What are the extra genes? What do they do?

Statistics in parts of the genome

Local statistics look only through a small window

A Window is a part of the genome, from an initial position, and with a fixed size

For example, we can analyze a region of 500 bp starting at position 3000 of the genome

Evaluate gc_skew() window by window

We traverse the genome with several windows of fixed size

Each window starts after the end of the previous one

In other words, the windows do not overlap

Calculate GC skew in a window

We created this function in Class 6. This is a new version

window_GC_skew <- function(position, size, dna) {
    V <- toupper(dna[seq(from=position, length.out=size)])
    count_C <- sum(V=="C")
    count_G <- sum(V=="G")
    if( (count_C+count_G) == 0) {
    } else {
      return( (count_G-count_C)/(count_C+count_G) )

This new code does the same as the old one.
Can you see how does it work?

Create a vector with all window’s positions

We start at the first DNA position, until the last.
Be careful to not step out of DNA

win_pos <- seq(from=1, to=length(genome)-size, by=size)

Now we apply window_gc_skew() to each element of win_pos

skew <- sapply(win_pos, window_GC_skew, size, dna)

The result depends on window’s size

Result for size=1E5

We look for the change of sign

We find two places where GC-skew changes sign

[1] 1500000 3800000

but the window size is 1E5, so the origin is somewhere between

[1] 1450000 1550000


[1] 3750000 3850000

(how would you find the place where GC skew changes its sign?)

Let’s use smaller size

Result for size=1E3

Result for size=1E2

It is not so easy

Finding the change of sign is not so easy

There is a trade off

Large windows have large margin of error

Smaller windows give values that change too much

skew data is noisy

But most of times it has the same sign

What happens if we sum the skew values?

Positives will be more positive,
negatives will be more negative

Finding where
the sign changes

There is an easier way

Instead of looking directly at skew, we can look at accumulative skew

acc_skew[i] = skew[i] + skew[i-1]++ skew[1]

which can also be written as

acc_skew[i] = skew[i] + acc_skew[i-1]

Calculating Accumulative Sums

We have skew, we want acc_skew

acc_skew <- cumsum(skew_1e4)

Now, instead of the change of sign, we look for the minimum and maximum


The dictionary says

§ (adjective) increasing in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
§ increasing, accumulative, growing, mounting; collective, aggregate, amassed.
§ the accumulative effect of two years of drought
§ the effects of pollution are accumulative

Now max & min show the change of sign

Finding where is
the largest value

Position of the maximum

The maximum value of acc_skew is

[1] 4.9877

It is not really important

We are looking for position, not value of maximum

Position of the maximum

This is the index of the maximum in the acc_skew vector

[1] 155

This is always an integer number, between 1 and length(acc_skew)

It is not the position in the genome

Position of the maximum

Since acc_skew vector has the same length as win_pos, we can find the genomic position of the maximum with this code

[1] 1540001

win_pos contains the genome positions of each window

This code gives us the position of the window with maximum GC skew

Locating origin depends on window size

The largest GC skew is at

place_of_max <- win_pos[which.max(acc_skew)]

The replication origin is located in the interval between

  • place_of_max - size/2
  • place_of_max + size/2
[1] 1535000 1545000

Skew and Accumulative skew

Skew and Accumulative skew

Skew and Accumulative skew

skew changes fast, acc_skew changes slow

Accumulative sums

Accumulative sum

Everyday you spend some money

Some days you receive money

How much money you have each day?

Accumulative Sum: daily balance

The income can be positive (salary) or negative (expenses)

The balance on first day is your initial money

The balance of today is the balance of yesterday plus the income of today

balance[today] <- balance[yesterday] + income[today]

balance and income are vectors

Since they have different values every day, we represent the income on day i by income[i]

We also represent the balance on day i by balance[i]

The vector income has the values for all days

The element income[i] has the value for a single day

Balance looks like this

Accumulative sums are useful

  • If we know the income, we can get balance

  • If we know the skew, we can get acc_skew

  • If we know the change, we can know the state


Write your own version of cumsum