Class 5: Practice with sapply. The FOR loop

Computing for Molecular Biology 2

Andrés Aravena, PhD

19 March 2021

Finding patterns and using them

In the previous class we learned about patterns

When we see that several parts are very similar, we can forget about details and write a generic part

We write the generic part inside a function, that we can reuse several times

Functions: code in a box

Function are like black boxes

To use a function we give the input and we receive the output

Functions are contracts between the person who uses and the person who writes the function

Appply the function to many things

The command

lapply(v, fun)
  • takes a vector (or list) v,
  • applies the function fun to each element,
  • and returns a list.

Mapping a vector into another

The command

sapply(v, fun)
  • takes a vector (or list) v,
  • applies the function fun to each element,
  • and tries to return a vector (or a matrix).

Common case: sequence to vector

The most common case is when the vector of inputs is a numeric sequence, like

sapply(1:N, fun)

There is another way

In previous version of this course we used for to repeat the same commands several times

for(index in vector) {

The parts are

  • an index
  • a vector (or list) of values for the index
  • commands that depend on the index, wraped in {}

Most common usage of for(){}

for(index in start:end) {

The parts are

  • an index
  • start value for the index
  • end value for the index
  • commands that depend on the index, wraped in {}

The world for is special, like function or sequence

Do all genes have the same GC content?


Is the GC content uniform through all genome?

Do all genes have the same GC content?

What function do we need to answer this question?

What is the name, the inputs, and the output?

From previous class

We need to read E.coli genes into a list

genes <- read.fasta("NC_000913.ffn", seqtype = "DNA", set.attributes = FALSE)
[1] 4140

If all is right, we get 4140 genes.

The GC content function

We will use the same function we created in the previous class

gene_GC_content_v2 <- function(i) {
  V <- toupper(genes[[i]])
  count_C <- sum(V=="C")
  count_G <- sum(V=="G")
  GC_content <- (count_C +count_G)/length(V)

GC for all genes

Let’s calculate GC content of all genes without using sapply()

for(i in 1:length(genes)) {

This works, but we need to store the results somewhere

Notice that a for loop does not give any value.
In contrast, lapply and sapply always give a result.

Storing the results

This code does not work

for(i in 1:length(genes)) {
    answer[i] <- gene_GC_content_v2(i)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'answer' not found

We cannot assign to answer[i]
unless the vector answer exists before

We must create the vector answer before using it

The complete code is this

answer <- rep(NA, length(genes))
for(i in 1:length(genes)) {
    answer[i] <- gene_GC_content_v2(i)

Notice that length(genes) is used twice

  • in rep(NA, length(genes)) to create the vector
  • in the range of the for(){} loop

sapply() is much easier

Instead of worrying about creating a vector and assign each value to it, we can use sapply()

answer2 <- sapply(1:length(genes), gene_GC_content_v2)

This is faster to write and faster to execute. It can do several steps at the same time

It gives the same result

[1] TRUE

Which one shall we use?

Having several options gives you great power

And with great power comes great responsibility

Use sapply in most cases, if the order of steps is not important

Use for loops when

  • the new result depends on the previous results
  • you want to test an idea step-by-step
  • (sometimes) they are easier to understand

Application: GC skew

GC Skew

What is the size of \(G-C\) respect to the total \(G+C\)?

Calculate the ratio \[\frac{G-C}{G+C}\] for each gene and plot it

What do you see?

GC skew

There are more G than C in the leading strand

There are more C than G in the lagging strand

GC skew changes sign at the boundaries of the two replichores

This corresponds to DNA replication origin or terminus

First: Write it in English

(or in any human language)

  • download genes of E.coli
  • For each gene
    • count C and G

      C <- sum(V=="C")
      G <- sum(V=="G")
    • calculate (G-C) / (G+C)

    • return the calculated value

Second: write a function

We can adapt a similar function, like gene_GC_content_v3

calculate_GC_skew <- function(dna) {
    V <- toupper(dna)
    count_C <- sum(V=="C")
    count_G <- sum(V=="G")
    GC_skew <- (count_G-count_C)/(count_C+count_G)

We can test it some basic cases

[1] -0.2941176

Third: sapply the function

GC_skew_of_genes <- sapply(genes, calculate_GC_skew)

This is interesting

In bacteria, we expect to see that GC skew changes sign between leading and lagging strand

We did not saw that change of sign in the plot

  • Is it true that the GC skew changes sign?
  • If so, how can we explain this result?

We answer these questions on the next class