May 10, 2019

Spanish word for Random is Azar

Things you have to know

We have three levels of knowledge

  • Knowing that …
  • Knowing how to …
  • Understand

We need the three levels

You must know that …

  • An experiment is a random process
    • We don’t know the result until we do the experiment
  • An experiment produces a single outcome
    • Cells survival, concentration of DNA, temperature
    • Outcome may be logic, factor, numeric or character

You must know that …

  • Replicating the experiment produces a sample
    • A sample is a vector
  • Experiments produce samples, but we care about populations

You must know that …

  • Populations are BIG.
    • Like “all people in the planet” or “all experiments in all parallel universes”
    • In the class we use known populations
    • In real life populations are unknown (partially)

You must understand …

  • Experiments give samples, but we care about populations
  • What happens in the sample depends on the population
  • By looking at the samples we can learn about the population
  • Populations are big. We assume they have infinite size to make calculation easier.

You must know how to …

  • Simulate experiments using the sample() function
  • Prepare the outcomes vector
  • Use sample(outcomes, size=n) to get n random elements from outcomes

You must know that …

  • Most times (but not always) we use replace=TRUE
  • This allows size bigger than length(outcomes)
  • More important: probabilities do not change

You must know that …

  • When population is small, sampling will change the population
    • We do not do this in this course
  • When population is big, sampling has a very small effect
    • The difference between 1E8 and 1E8-1 is not important
  • When populations have infinite size, taking a sample has no effect
  • When we replace the sample, there is no effect on the population
    • Sampling with replacement is the same as having an infinite population

You must understand …

  • Samples are never the same, but they are similar
  • Bigger sample sizes will produce more similar results
  • Samples tell us something about the population

You must know that …

  • The probability of an outcome is the proportion of that outcome in the population
  • In real life we usually do not know the probabilities, and we want to find them
  • In some cases we do know the probability of each outcome
    • Then we can simulate the experiment

You must know that …

  • When we use sample, each outcome can have a different probability
  • The probability distribution is a vector with the same length as outcomes
  • We can use the option prob= to change the probability distribution
  • If we do not use prob=, then all outcomes have the same probability

You must know how …

  • Decompose a complex random process in smaller parts
  • Simulate a complex random system and find the empirical frequencies
  • Draw the results in a bar plot
  • Use the option prob=p to change how sample() works

You must know that …

  • These simulations are called “Monte-Carlo Methods”
  • This allow us to explore cases that have too many combinations
    • We cannot see all possible genes of length 1000bp
    • There are 41000 = 22000 = 210x200 ≈ 103x200 = 10600 combinations
    • The age of the universe is ≈ 4.32x1017 seconds

You must understand …

Testing all possible cases is impossible

Random sampling allows us to get an idea of all possible cases

More simulations give better approximations, but take longer time

This is one of the most common uses of computers in Science

Events: You must know that …

  • An event is any logical question about the experiment outcome, such as “two people have the same birthday”
    • In R we can use functions, taking an outcome and returning TRUE or FALSE
  • Outcomes and events are different
    • An event can be true for several different outcomes
    • An experiment produces only one outcome, and several events

Events: You must know how to …

Write a function to represent an event

  • Takes a sample (one or more outcomes) as input
  • Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the event rule
  • Example:
    • Two people in the course have the same birthday
    • A student pass this course

You must know that …

  • A random variable is any numeric value that depends on the experiment outcome, such as “the number of people with epilepsy in our course”
    • In R we can use a numeric outcomes vector
  • In this case there is a population average, population variance and population standard deviation
  • In general we do not know the population average, and we want to know it

You must know that …

The population standard deviation measures the population width

Chebyshev theorem says \[\Pr(\vert x_i-\bar{\mathbf x}\vert\geq k\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x))\leq 1/k^2\] It can also be written as \[\Pr(\vert x_i-\bar{\mathbf x}\vert\leq k\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x))\geq 1-1/k^2\]

Chebyshev: You must know how to …

Find the population width for different values of \(k\)

  • at least 75% of the population is near the average, by no more than 2 times the standard deviation \[\Pr(\vert x_i-\bar{\mathbf{x}}\vert\leq 2\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x))\geq 1-1/2^2\] \[\Pr(\bar{\mathbf{x}} -2\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\leq x_i \leq \bar{\mathbf{x}} +2\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)) \geq 0.75\]
  • at least 88.9% of the population is near the average, by less than 3 times the standard deviation \[\Pr(\bar{\mathbf{x}} -3\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\leq x_i \leq \bar{\mathbf{x}} +3\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)) \geq 0.889\]


Which value of \(k\) will give you an interval containing at least 99% of the population?

(this 99% is called confidence level)

You must understand …

Everything we measure will be in an interval

The interval depends on the population standard deviation and the confidence level

Chebyshev theorem is always true, but in some cases is pessimistic

In some cases we can have better confidence levels

You must know that …

  • You can take the average of a sample to estimate the population average
  • The sample average is a random variable. Changes on every experiment
  • When the sample is bigger, the sample average will be closer to the population average
    • This is called Law of Large Numbers
  • Moreover, the sample average of a big sample will follow a Normal distribution
    • This is called Central Limit Theorem

Normal distribution

Here outcomes are real numbers

Any real number is possible

Probability of any \(x\) is zero (!)

We look for probabilities of intervals

Probabilities of Normal Distribution

≈95% of normal population is between \(-2\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\) and \(2\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\)
≈99% of normal population is between \(-3\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\) and \(3\cdot\text{sd}(\mathbf x)\)

You must understand that ….

  • The Chebyshev rule is always valid, but pessimist
    • confidence intervals are big
  • If the probability distribution is Normal, we can have better confidence intervals
  • Not all probabilities are Normal
  • When the random process is a sum of many parts, then we may have a Normal distribution
    • That happens with experimental measurements
    • Also happens in many biological processes

Finding Normal confidence interval

If we have 95% of population in the center, then we have 2.5% to the left and 2.5% to the right

We can find the \(k\) value using R

[1] -1.96
[1] 1.96

Finding Normal confidence interval (in general)

If we have \(1-\alpha\) of population in the center, then we have \(\alpha/2\) to the left and \(\alpha/2\) to the right


Now you can find any interval

The problem with confidence

You may have noticed that we never get 100% confidence

That is a fact of life. We have to accept

To have very high confidence, we need wide intervals

But wide intervals are less useful

Theory of Population Averages

Some definitions

Probability distribution

Distribution: probability of each outcome

When the outcome is numeric (i.e. when it is a random variable), the distribution is

  • a vector, for discrete outcomes
  • a function, for continuous outcomes (real valued random variables)

Random variable: a function of outcomes

  • An experiment produces an outcome \(X\)
    • For example, \(X=\) the DNA sequence of a gene
  • We can calculate many numeric functions \(f(X)\) from this outcome
    • For example, \(f(X)=\) length of the gene
    • or \(f(X)=\) GC content of the gene
  • We want to know the average of \(f(X)\) in the population
    • we can only calculate averages when we have numbers

Population average of \(f(X)\)

We will represent population averages like this \[\langle f(X)\rangle \] The brackets \(\langle \quad \rangle\) represent population average

Do not confuse it with \(\bar x=\text{mean}(x)\) (sample average)

Definition of Population Average

The population is big, therefore \(N\to \infty\) and \[\frac{1}{N}\sum_{x\in\text{Population}} f(x)\quad\xrightarrow{N\to \infty}\quad \langle f(X)\rangle \] If we know the proportion of each outcome in the population, we can write \[\frac{1}{N}\sum_{x\in\text{Population}} f(x)= \sum_{a\in\text{Outcomes}} \frac{n_a}{N}f(a)= \sum_{a\in\text{Outcomes}} p_a \cdot f(a)\]

Easy case: when X is a number

If the outcomes are numbers, like optical density or concentration, then the function \(f(X)\) can be simply \[f(X)=X\] In that case the population average is simply \[\langle X\rangle\] (it’s easy, no?)

Properties of population averages

If \(X\) and \(Y\) are two random variables, then \[\langle X+Y\rangle = \langle X\rangle + \langle Y\rangle \] i.e. the average of the sum is the sum of the averages

If \(k\) is a fixed (non-random) number, then \[\langle k\, X\rangle = k\, \langle X\rangle\] i.e. constants can get out of averages


Variance is the average square error. Can be used for any function \(X\)

  • error means difference between each element and the average \[X-\langle X\rangle\]
  • square error means the square of the error \[(X-\langle X\rangle)^2\]
  • Therefore, population average square error is \[\langle(X-\langle X\rangle)^2\rangle\]

Population Variance

We will represent population variance like this \[\mathbb V(X)=\langle(X-\langle X\rangle)^2\rangle\] Do not confuse it with sample variance \(\text{var}(x)\)

Same idea, but different context

Variance formula Shortcut

It is good to know that \[\mathbb V(X)=\langle(X-\langle X\rangle)^2\rangle=\langle X^2\rangle-\langle X\rangle^2\]

Variance is the average of squares minus the square of average

Exercise: verify that this is true

Properties of Population Variance

If \(X\) and \(Y\) are two independent random variables, then \[\mathbb V(X+Y) = \mathbb V(X) + \mathbb V(Y) \] i.e. the variance of the sum is the sum of the variances

If \(k\) is a fixed (non-random) number, then \[\mathbb V(k\, X) = k^2\, \mathbb V(X)\] i.e. the variance is multiplied by the square

Exercise: verify that this is true

Standard deviation

Variance is easy to calculate and has good properties. But the values are too big.

In practice we use the square root of variance, called standard deviation

We will represent population standard deviation like this \[\mathbb S(X)=\sqrt{\langle(X-\langle X\rangle)^2\rangle}=\sqrt{\langle X^2\rangle-\langle X\rangle^2}\] Do not confuse it with sample standard deviation \(\text{sd}(x)\)

Properties of Standard Deviation

If \(X\) and \(Y\) are two independent random variables, then \[\mathbb S(X+Y) = \sqrt{\mathbb{S}(X)^2 + \mathbb{S}(Y)^2} \] i.e. the same formula of Pythagoras’ theorem

If \(k\) is a fixed (non-random) number, then \[\mathbb S(k\, X) = k\, \mathbb S(X)\] i.e. the variance is multiplied by the square

Exercise: verify that this is true

Application 1: sums of random numbers

Imagine that we repeat the experiment \(m\) times. In other words, the sample size is \(m\)

We get the values \(x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_m.\) All result from the same experiment, with the same probabilities

We want to see what happens with \[\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\]

Application 1: sums of random numbers

Using the rules we discussed before, we have \[\left\langle\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^m \langle X\rangle=m\,\langle X\rangle\] The average of the sum is \(m\) times the average of each value.

Application 1: sums of random numbers

We also have \[\mathbb V\left(\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)=\sum_{i=1}^m \mathbb V( X)=m\,\mathbb V(X)\] The variance of the sum is \(m\) times the variance of each value. Finally, \[\mathbb S\left(\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)=\sqrt{\mathbb V\left(\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)}=\sqrt{m}\,\mathbb S(X)\]

We have seen this before

We have seen this before

Application 2: mean of random numbers

If now we take the average of each sample, we have \[\left\langle\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^m \frac{1}{m}\langle X\rangle=\langle X\rangle\] The population average of the sample means is the population average of each value.

Application 2: mean of random numbers

We also have \[\mathbb V\left(\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)=\sum_{i=1}^m \frac{1}{m^2}\mathbb V( X)=\frac{1}{m}\mathbb V(X)\] The variance of the sample means is \(1/m\) times the variance of each value.

Application 2: mean of random numbers

Finally, \[\mathbb S\left(\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)=\sqrt{\frac{1}{m}\mathbb V\left(\sum_{i=1}^m x_i\right)}=\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\]

We have seen this before

We have seen this before

Chebyshev theorem

If we know the average and standard deviation of population, we can say that

  • at least 75% of the population are close to the average, by less than 2 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\vert \bar X_m-\langle X\rangle\vert\leq 2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right)\geq 1-1/2^2\] \[\Pr\left(\langle X\rangle -2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \bar X_m \leq \langle X\rangle +2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \geq 0.75\]

Chebyshev theorem

  • At least 88.9% of the population are close to the average, by less than 3 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\langle X\rangle -3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \bar X_m \leq \langle X\rangle +3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \geq 0.889\]

Application 3: Central limit theorem

If we take averages from many samples, the sample average will follow a Normal distribution

Normal distribution

  • 95% of the sample averages are close to the population average, at less than 2 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\vert \bar X_m-\langle X\rangle\vert\leq 2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right)\approx 0.95\] \[\Pr\left(\langle X\rangle -2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \bar X_m \leq \langle X\rangle +2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \approx 0.95\]
  • 99% of the sample averages are close to the population average, at less than 3 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\langle X\rangle -3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \bar X_m \leq \langle X\rangle +3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \approx 0.99\]

So we can locate the population average

  • 95% of the sample averages are close to the population average, at less than 2 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\vert \bar X_m-\langle X\rangle\vert\leq 2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right)\approx 0.95\] \[\Pr\left(\bar X_m -2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \langle X\rangle\leq \bar X_m +2\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \approx 0.95\]

So we can locate the population average

  • 99% of the sample averages are close to the population average, at less than 3 times the standard deviation \[\Pr\left(\bar X_m -3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\leq \langle X\rangle \leq \bar X_m+3\frac{\mathbb S(X)}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \approx 0.99\]

Confidence intervals

Bad news

We do not know the population variance

All we said before is true, but cannot be used directly

Because we do not know the population variance

Thus, we also ignore the population standard deviation

What can we do instead?

Using sample variance instead of population variance

The solution is to use the standard deviation of the sample

(do not confuse it with standard deviation of the sample means)

But we have to pay a price: lower confidence

Student’s distribution

Published by William Sealy Gosset in Biometrika (1908)

He worked at the Guinness Brewery in Ireland

Studied small samples (the chemical properties of barley)

He called it “frequency distribution of standard deviations of samples drawn from a normal population”

Story says that Guinness did not want their competitors to know this quality control, so he used the pseudonym “Student”

Student’s distribution is wider than Normal

plot(x,dnorm(x), type="l", lty=2)
lines(x, dt(x, df=3), lty=1)
legend("topleft", legend = c("t-Student","Normal"), lty=1:2)

How to know the t-Student values

Intervals are wider (but less than with Chebyshev)

It is a family of Student’s distributions

Here we use the sample standard deviation to approximate the population standard deviation

As we have seen, if the sample is small, these two values may be different

Thus, the Student’s distribution depends on the sample size

Degrees of Freedom

The key idea is that the sample has \(m\) elements, but they are constrained by 1 value: the sample average

We say that we have \(m-1\) degrees of freedom

Degrees of Freedom

Finding Student’s confidence intervals

If we have 95% of population in the center, then we have 2.5% to the left and 2.5% to the right

We can find the \(k\) value if the sample size is 5

qt(0.025, df=5-1)
[1] -2.78
qt(0.975, df=5-1)
[1] 2.78

\(k\) depends on sample size


  • Normal distributions are common in nature
  • They happen when many things add together
  • If the process is Normal, then the sample average is close to the population average
  • The confidence interval uses the t-Student distribution