Class 2: Quiz 1

February 16, 2018

Turtle graphics

Following an ancient tradition, sprites in Scratch can draw lines when they move. You can see the options under the Pen section. The essential ones are pen down, pen up and clear. Today we are going to use them to make some nice figures.

When you finish each part please download the script to your computer and save it with file name quiz-1-part-X.sb2 and send it to me as attachments in an email. You can also share the script and send me the web link (i.e. the URL).


You should see something like this.

Write a script that make the cat do the following movements:

Save this script in a file named quiz-1-part-1.sb2.


Your star should be something like this.

Write a script that make the cat do the following movements:

You may want to use “Turbo Mode”, in the Edit menu. Save this script in a file named quiz-1-part-2.sb2.

Variable stars

Now we want to generalize the previous drawing. You have to create 2 variables named angle and N. They will be shown in the window.

If you click on them with the right button you can change them to slide. That allows you to change them. Please set the range of angle to minimum 70 and maximum 170. Then write a script that make the cat do the following movements:

Save this script in a file named quiz-1-part-3.sb2. Your result should look like this:

Trees of one branch


First exercise:

This will draw a single line and leave it in the same direction. You do not need to save this exercise.

Trees of three branches

Second exercise, after same initialization:

something is:

Trees of three branches of three branches

Your tree should look like this.

Third exercise, something is:

Your homework should look like this.

here something else is:

Save this script in a file named quiz-1-part-4.sb2.

To do at home: Generalize to N branches, turning angle every time.


Please send me all three files in a single email to If you want you can also send me the links to the online projects.